This research was carried out to determine the effect of administration of Achomanes Difformis (blume) on liver functions in adult wistar rat, in which 20 adult wistar rats were purchased at the institute of advanced medical research and training (IMRAT), UCH, Ibadan. The rats were grouped into 4 in which there is a control group in which the rats were placed on normal diet and water. Other groups (A, B and C) were administered 300mg/kg/b.wt, 500mg/kg/b.wt and 700mg/kg/b.wt respectively. The herb was administered for duration of 14 days. Their cages were cleaned every day maintain proper hygiene. The rats were sacrificed immediately after two weeks of drug administration. From the result obtained, the administration of Anchomanes difformis has a hepatotoxic effect. It showed that there was an insignificant increase (p>0.05) in the level of AST, ALT and ALP, and an insignificant decrease (p>0.05) in the level of Total and Direct Bilirubin in the plasma at different dosage rate of the herb, when compared to the control group. The result demonstrates that the ingestion of Anchomanes difformis has a hepatotoxic effect in adult wistar rat.